What is Nutritional Therapy?

Perimenopause and menopause with thyroid issues. Episode 33.

Perimenopause and menopause with thyroid issues. Episode 33.

Are you on a hormonal roller coaster? Let’s talk about what perimenopause and menopause are before we dive into what might be happening to this listener (and possibly you). I’ll also share tips on managing your diet and allowing some self-care.

What is autoimmunity? Leaky gut, the immune system, and gut bacteria. Episode 28.

What is autoimmunity? Leaky gut, the immune system, and gut bacteria. Episode 28.

Ok, so let’s dive more into Hashimoto’s and the things that can affect it. You know you need to heal your gut if you listened last week. How do you do that? You have to lower inflammation. This starts with changing your diet and your lifestyle. An elimination diet or autoimmune protocol diet - AIP - can be very helpful.