
How Does My Immune System Work?

How Does My Immune System Work?

When something enters and gets past the first lines of defense ,the immune system has to distinguish between self and non self. It asks the question, ARE YOU ME? and ARE YOU DANGEROUS? When your immune system is healthy, it will be able to tell the difference between self and non self, so it doesn’t attack your tissue and just sets out to destroy actual invaders. Your cells are marked as self and should not be attacked. When the immune system encounters cells or other organisms such as viruses or bacteria that are marked as non self or foreign, an attack will be launched.

The chemical triggering that attack is called an antigen and the response is called an immune response. Antigens can be a microbe like a virus, it can even be just part of a microbe. Other human tissues or cells will have foreign markers as well which is why organ transplants have a risk of rejection.