does nutrifol work

Nutrifol for Hair Loss in Hypothyroidism

Nutrifol for hair loss from hypothyroidism?

The short answer is no.

Here’s the long reason why.

If you are not familiar with Nutrifol, I’ll fill you in. I don’t watch a lot of regular tv but do watch some streaming services and I often see commercials for Nutrifol for hair growth.

I am always skeptical of things like this mostly because I have been sold supplements by practitoners I saw over the years that did absolutely nothing for me.

They state they use medical grade natural ingredients to target the root causes of thinning hair such as stress, lifestyle, and nutrition. Taking their product is suppose to give you quicker hair growth, and fuller, stronger, thicker hair.

I’ll have a screen shot of the ingredients with the transcript on my website. You can search for episode 116 or Nutrifol to find it.

Some of the ingredients include:


This does build healthy hair. Chicken & beef liver and egg yolks are best sources of this important nutrient. You only need 100mg/day per 100g of protein that you consume and most of us don’t get 100g of protein per day. I try really hard to get 100mg of protein per day and most days I only get in about 50g. You have to be really intentional with EVERYTHING you eat to get this much in. Nutrifol has 3000mcg or 300mg. In high amounts this isn’t toxic but can interfere with absorption of B5 and lipoic acid. High doses can also cause your bloodwork to present false positive results.

Nutrifol label

Read labels on everything so you know what you are putting in your body.

Vitamin C.

This helps manage stress by providing this nutrient to the adrenals. For hair, it contributes to our hair pigment and prevents gray hair or at least makes our hair more resistant to turning gray.

Fresh fruits and veggies are great sources. 100-200mg in supplement form may be needed if you don’t eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies.

Essential Fatty Acids.

This supplement contains fish but it doesn’t really list how much. Deficiency in omega 6 fatty acids can result in hair loss. The best way to get your omega 6’s is to eat 2 egg yolks or 100g of liver each day. Fish oil is not what you need for the purpose of keeping your hair thicker and fuller.


RDA for iodine is 150mcg/day. Nutrifol has 225mcg. If you have Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease, taking iodine even at this amount can increase your antibodies and an autoimmune attack on your thyroid.


Not in this supplement but deficiencies and excesses can cause hair loss.


The ultimate thyroid supplement touted by everyone on the internet as something you need if you have thyroid problems. Selenium helps us manage stress but too much can cause your hair to fall out and it may raise your risk of diabetes and cancer. Measure blood levels before taking selenium in supplement form. Optimal levels in plasma are between 90-140 ng/mL for most people. Amounts in food vary depending on the content of the soil where the plants were growing and where the animals were eating.


Deficiency early in life can lead to impaired hair growth. Supplements help with decreasing infection, inflammation, and oxidative stress.  Oysters, and red meat are the best sources.

Vitamin E.

This should always be given in a combo of all forms or tocotrienols, not just a single form like in Nutrifol which contains only alpha-tocopherol but in a small dose.


This has silica in it and has been shown to improve hair luster and may prevent the rate at which your hair falls out. It is the silica that does this and horsetail is said to have high concentrations. Fiji water also has a fair amount of silica in it.

Japanese Knotweed.

This is a good source of resveratrol and is an invasive species plant. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to aid in GI health and circulatory health. There is zero info that I could find on hair growth or preventing hair loss for this particular plant. It is the resveratrol I believe that is the key here as it is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage. Blueberries are also antioxidants!

Solubilized Keratin.

This provides amino acids to replace the keratin lost as we age. It may reduce fine lines and depth of wrinkles- I’m all for that! 500mg along with zinc, B3, Copper, B5, B6, and biotin in a 2010 study improved the quality of the human hair shaft creating smoother, shinier hair and reduced the number of hairs lost during washing. This info on keratin, came from a supplement company- just so you know. I’m a little leary of the info when it comes from supplement companies because their whole purpose is to sell you said supplement.

Nutrifol has a blend of 530mg in 4 capsules of amino acids, keratin, horsetail, and knotweed.

Now I want to talk to you about supplements. The supplement industry is a $39 billion industry with over 166 million Americans using them each year. There are around 85,000 supplement products on the market with 1000 new products coming to market each year.

23,000 ER visits are attributed to supplement use each year but side note there are over 730,000 yearly ER visits associated with adverse events to the medical use of prescription drugs. So there is a .015% chance that a supplement will send you to the ER. I still recommend not guessing at what you need to be taking and work with someone who will honestly tell you what you might need.

I’ll give you just a quick history of the regulation of supplements.

The Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 required narcotics to only be sold through a prescription. In 1927 the Bureau of Chemistry split into the Food Drug and Insecticide Administration and the Bureau of Chemistry and Soil.

In 1930 The Food Drug and Insecticide Administration became the FDA.

In 1938 the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act said that the FDA should oversee cosmetics and therapeutic device and Homeopathic remedies became regulated under this act.

The definition of a drug became anything intended to effect the structure and function of the body and anything intended to diagnose or treat.

In 1958 the Food Additives Amendment created a list of things that are Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS).

In 1966 the Fair Package and Labeling Act required warning labels of supplements and banned the ability to make health claims with regard to dietary deficiency. Any supplement with more than 150% RDA were to be considered drugs.

The 1976 Proxmire Bill prohibited the FDA from regulating vitamins and minerals as prescription drugs. The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act provided a regulatory framework for the supplement industry authorizing the FDA to come up with Good Manufacturing Practices and classified supplements and dietary ingredients as foods, not drugs.

The FDA monitors supplement safety, regulates labeling and claims on products and there is no authoritative list of supplement ingredients before October 15, 1994. The manufacturers of supplements are responsible for determining if an ingredient in their product is a new ingredient.

There was an investigation by the NY Attorney General in 2015 looking at several different supplements sold at 4 major retailers. The majority of these supplements did not even contain the herb listed on the ingredients label. They had powdered rice, asparagus and even houseplants in them but not the thing they were supposed to have.

In addition, a 2010 report found that a liquid selenium supplement had over 40,000 micrograms per dose instead of the 200mcg the label claimed.

Good Manufacturing Practices do not apply to raw materials suppliers. You may have heard me say that the higher quality supplement companies have 3rd party testers making sure the raw materials brought to their docks are free of heavy metals and other contaminants. If they are not, they are sent away for some other company to buy. There is no guideline for what contamination levels are acceptable. Good manufacturing Practices don’t address absorption, dissolution, or bioavailability. The companies that are for use by practitoners only do third party testing and voluntary quality control. Some of these certifications are USP, NSF, and Consumer Labs.

I am not saying that Nutrifol is shady at all. I want to be clear. I just think that at $79 per month for a 30 day supply is a bit much. Pure Encapsulations Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra is $43.99 for a 30 day supply which is about half the price. I’m sure Nutrifol is so expensive because they have a fabulous website and they do a lot of advertising.

You can sign up for an account at my dispensary and get 10% off all your supplements. But please, don’t buy a bunch of supplements hoping they will fix your problem. Supplements for the most part are either bandaids to your root cause or are needed for a time period to replenish your deficiencies and help your body heal.

If you would like to do a supplement review I’m happy to help you with that. An hour and half consult would be needed to do that. You can reach out by emailing me and I’ll send you a link to make an appointment for that. The cost is $295.

You can also schedule a discovery call at click on the get help and then book appointment. You will be on your way to feeling better, having more energy and getting off the sidelines of your life in no time!

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Link to FDA Warning Letters Search