episode 141

What to foods avoid for thyroid health. How to understand marketing terms on food labels.

What to foods avoid for thyroid health. How to understand marketing terms on food labels.

Do you know what the marketing terms on the stuff you buy in the grocery store? What does natural or organic actually mean?

Today we are going to dive into what the most common terms mean so you are equipped with all the tools you need to make good decisions at the store or farmers market. Many of these terms on food labels are not even regulated so there is no actual law that defines them. There are some terms on labels that do require some kind of regulation so lets dive in.

First up is certified organic or organically grown. These labels mean foods are processed through standards of the National Organic Program which requires foods be grown without synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, or food additives. Products with low or no human toxici