
Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

I came across a study called Low Calorie Dieting Increases Cortisol by Yomiyama and colleagues 2010 in the journal of the American Psychosomatic Society.

The study was looking at dieting and the effect is has on psychological and physical stress so not immediately related to Hashimoto’s but if you are struggling with your weight at all because of hypothyroidism and you are restricting calories in hopes of losing weight, this is why this study is important.

Why does coconut and avocado give me diarrhea?

Why does coconut and avocado give me diarrhea?

Hi Stephanie 

I have tried to do AIP once (I have hashimotos and low cortisol). So when I tried AIP I got severe diarrhoea, I am pretty sure it's the fat content, I surmise that  it's because I have been on a diet most of my adult life, all of which have been low fat. 

I cannot stomach anything coconut based or avocado. Just the smell makes my stomach turn and if I try to eat either, I wretch. 

Is there a way I can still do AIP without coconut and avocado, and not end up running to the toilet? 

To add to the mix I am recovering from binge eating disorder. 

Thanks in advance 
