
Will Iodine Help My Thyroid?

Will Iodine Help My Thyroid?

The biggest need for iodine is for thyroid hormone production.  Deficiency would look like hypothyroid symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog/poor memory, hair loss (including eyelashes), puffiness, cold hands/feet etc. The other reason we need it is to prevent fibrocystic breast disease and as an antimicrobial.

RDA for adults is 150 micrograms per day and is based on studies looking at how much the thyroid gland uses and how much is lost in urine.

It is difficult to get enough iodine from foods because the soil content varies but the most reliable sources of foods are:

Should I take iodine to support my thyroid?

Should I take iodine to support my thyroid?

It is considered a trigger for Hashimoto’s and for thyroid autoimmunity in general which would include Grave’s disease. There have been several large studies that show people consuming iodine have higher thyroglobulin antibodies. People who have iodine deficiency to begin with have a 4x higher chance of increasing their thyroglobulin antibodies when they take in more iodine. Just 500 mcg of iodine triggered or provoked autoimmunity in previously healthy people when iodine was added to the diet.