what is hashimoto's?

Six types of thyroid dysfunction. Episode 39.

Six types of thyroid dysfunction. Episode 39.

What are you making for dinner these days? I share some of what I’ve been eating, talk about batch cooking, and the importance of eating enough fats and proteins to keep your body full longer. Also, did you know there are six types of thyroid dysfunction? Let’s take a look at the characteristics and labs for each to try to make sense of it all.

What is autoimmunity? Leaky gut, the immune system, and gut bacteria. Episode 28.

What is autoimmunity? Leaky gut, the immune system, and gut bacteria. Episode 28.

Ok, so let’s dive more into Hashimoto’s and the things that can affect it. You know you need to heal your gut if you listened last week. How do you do that? You have to lower inflammation. This starts with changing your diet and your lifestyle. An elimination diet or autoimmune protocol diet - AIP - can be very helpful.

What is Hashimoto's? Episode 27.

What is Hashimoto's? Episode 27.

I am not going to let Hashimoto’s control my life. You don’t have to either. With that said, let’s talk about Hashimoto’s and what that really means. Last week, I talked about hypothyroidism and how that has similar symptoms as Hashimoto’s — which is an immune system problem first. What exactly does this mean? Join me for this episode to find out.