What is SIBO?

What is SIBO?

It is a diverse syndrome distinguished by a more than normal amount of bacteria in the small intestines- hense the name. There are two kinds of SIBO. One in which bacteria from your upper respiratory tract and mouth invade (due to the use of acid blockers such as PPI- proton pump inhibitors) and one in which the bacteria from your colon invade (this can be due to a few different reasons one of which….

Can Probiotics Help Hashimoto’s

Can Probiotics Help Hashimoto’s

Probiotics in general are defined as live microorganisms that when given in sufficient amounts should produce a health benefit to the host organism (i.e. us). The caveat here is that there is no one sized fits all probiotic for everyone and every situation and that probiotic you can get at your big box store or even at a more health centered store may be a big old waste of your money

Sick and Tired of Being Tired

Sick and Tired of Being Tired

I cleaned the house. I finally had the energy but ended up exhausted by the end of the day. I’m so tired of being tired. I have so much guilt over the lame summer we have had because I am too tired to do anything . I am frustrated with myself and my body for not working well. I just wonder what it would feel like to feel good. And happy. I’m beginning to wonder if I will ever be happy or feel great again. I feel like I am dying very very slowly. Like each day a piece of my future is being taken from me

Coronavirus info and listener question answered

Coronavirus info and listener question answered

I have been struggling with hypothyroidism for many years. I have gone from my Dr doing nothing to finally seeing my numbers change and starting me on a low dose of levothyroxine 50 mcg. I gradually moved up to 175mcg and was still suffering symptoms. I changed to a new Dr and she listened to my symptoms more than my numbers and switched me to Armour thyroid. I seen a slight improvement for a while but now I seem to be slumping again.

What do you think the chances are that I have Hashimoto’s Disease?

Also do you think. Gluten free diet would help? I feel as though I have been on my knees begging for help and no one is listening to me. I am currently taking 120 Armour thyroid

Thank you for any advice you can give me

Do low thyroid antibodies mean I don't have Hashimoto's?

Do low thyroid antibodies mean I don't have Hashimoto's?

Nodules are often found via some kind of radiologic imaging- usually ultrasound but sometimes through a physical exam or even you might feel them yourself. Some studies show that anywhere from 20-75% of people have at least one nodule so it appears it could be quite common and doesn’t always mean there is something terrible on the horizon.

How to begin a detox program

How to begin a detox program

You always start with food first. You need to remove all the offending foods and things in your environment that are suspected to be causing you a problem. You might start with an elimination diet which is meant to figure out which foods are an issue for you. Then you move on to the detoxification food plan which is just that- a plan for the rest of your life. That doesn’t mean….

How to eliminate toxins from the body.

How to eliminate toxins from the body.

The first step in the 5R program is removing all the stuff that is causing gut issues- stress, food intolerances and any microbes that should not be there such as parasites, bad bacteria, overgrowth of yeasts, etc. You can do lab testing via a stool test to find out if there is specific bugs here but you don’t have to

What you need to know about detoxification.

What you need to know about detoxification.

Phase I, Phase II and Phase II. We will go through each of these and I will try to make this as simple as possible to understand. The basics of this system is we take in a toxin- and most toxins are what we call fat soluble meaning they like to hang out in our fat tissue. Toxins can come from the outside- from our environment, from the air we breath, from our food, from our clothes- pretty much anywhere.

What does detoxification mean?

What does detoxification mean?

Detoxification can be defined as giving the body what it needs to break down and excrete the toxic compounds we take in through our day to day life and to break down and excrete the toxic compounds created by our own body and it breaks down external compounds we have been exposed to. At the same time detoxification is about taking the steps we need to do to reduce our exposure.

How to test for toxins in your body

We talked about toxins last week and how some particular toxins can affect the body. How do you know if you have an issue with toxins? Functional medicine can be helpful here when you use their timelines and you work with a practitioner to gather information about your health. 

Your practitioner should ask you, “When was the last time you felt good or when was the last time you remember feeling really good?”

There should first be a focus on your symptoms before you spend a dime on lab testing, except your obvious thyroid labs of course. Your practitioner should take a very thorough history and plotting your life on a timeline with you. Plotting all your toxin exposure on a separate timeline can be very helpful for you to be able to see just how much of a burden your body is under. 

Some of the things that are involved in your toxic burden are genetics, things like polymorphisms in your genetic make up called SNP’s. Things that you come with at birth, maternal heath habits and health history. What was it like while you were in the womb? Then think about things you were exposed to as a child or exposure over time to a particular toxin. For me it might have been mercury through a mouthful of amalgam fillings. Next we are thinking about how disease gets triggered. You have a lifetime of exposure to something- for me it was second hand smoke, then I had a root canal as an adult- maybe you had something else. The point is you get this compounding effect and something in your body is triggered. When my son died, I am pretty sure the trigger for the thyroid storm was stress. I didn’t handle stress very well at all back then and didn’t learn how to really manage it until the last couple of years if I am being honest. So stuff is brewing and finally your body breaks. The final straw could be something as simple as gluten. It really depends on you and your bio-individuality. That is why the timeline is so important in helping you figure out your root cause. 

Next you look at what keeps the symptoms going over time. What is making things worse? It could be not enough water or vegetables in your diet or chronic constipation which is common in hypothyroidism and is sure to keep you in higher toxic burden. Maybe it is mold. 

I will share some of my timeline I had to do for my class as an assignment. Each functional medicine timeIine starts with prenatal exposures so we always start there. My mom had rheumatic fever and was on penicillin for ten years so she basically had a completely destroyed gut microbiome before I was born. She grew up on a dairy farm- probably exposed to some chemicals in the fields there and diesel fuel as well. I was born in the early 70’s and it was okay for women to smoke while pregnant so I had that exposure in the womb as well as the occasional bit of alcohol exposure. I had second hand smoke exposure my whole life, ate a Standard American very processed foods diet all while growing up. Both my parents worked so there was a fair amount of convenience foods though my mom did cook meals from scratch most of the time. I consumed a ton of sugar as a kid and young adult- not so young adult as well. I had a mouth full of amalgam or silver fillings, lots of hair perms in the 80’s and early 90’s, regular alcohol use for at least 10 years, Round up exposure for sure over the years but a time frame is hard to pinpoint. Lots of household cleaner chemical exposure as a kid too. My mom used to choke while using a certain cleaning product that took lime off the shower every single weekend. New furniture and new carpet and new construction off gassing over a lifetime, several flu shots in my past until my kids put up such a fight over getting them, we quit going. The use of plastic food containers, heating food in plastic containers in the microwave. Chlorine and fluoride exposure in drinking water, non stick cookware.  

You can see how seemingly small things add up to a lot of exposure over time and can contribute to dis-ease. Plotting all this out can be super helpful for you and your practitioner to see where your exposures were and are and you can start to make small changes over time. 

Some other very important things you need to consider before labs are things that play a role in your overall health and not just your physical health but your mental and emotional health as well. 

How are your relationships? Hashimoto’s and thyroid disease in general can create some loneliness. You don’t look sick but you feel like crap or have zero energy so you don’t make an effort to be with friends or family. You maybe start to stay home more than socialize and people don’t understand. You might feel depressed and certainly there are many of us who have been told by our doctors that we are depressed and there is nothing wrong with us. 

How is your stress level? Not just your physical stress but financial stress, are you a caregiver? cortisol issues, any kind of thing you or your body perceives as stress. 

Diet- what do you eat and drink? Processed foods, foods with little to no nutrient density? Artificial sweeteners? Chemicals, food dyes? Do you eat fish that has high mercury levels?

Are you exercising? All you have to do is just move to start with if you don’t feel like you can do much. Maybe you are working out too hard, too long or too many days a week. That is stressful for your body too. Maybe you are dehydrated or you use energy drinks or caffeine to help you get up and go. 

Are you sleeping? Many of you are not. I spent my college years not sleeping- of course. I recovered on the weekends by sleeping in. Then I had kids. I didn’t sleep through the night for probably 6 or 8 years. Then my blood sugar was a mess and my thyroid problems started so I had a lot of insomnia, tons of fatigue. Then my husband started snoring and having sleep issues. He actually chokes in the night and then flails about, kind of punching his way to a breath so I got woke up by that with a shot of adrenaline and couldn’t sleep. I am 49 this year and I had had enough of the no sleep so I now sleep in a separate room and am sleeping hard and through the night and it feels wonderful. Not so great for my relationship- so that part of my functional medicine matrix paperwork is suffering but I am sleeping and sleep is important to me. I cannot function without it. My brain doesn’t comprehend when I don’t sleep and being in school, brain function is important. I made a choice but so did my husband when he let the doctor tell him he didn’t need a sleep apnea machine because he was borderline.  That is probably more information than you needed but I want to keep it real here. The other important parts of sleep are things like keeping electronics out of your bedroom, keeping the room cool and dark and making sure you have down time. What do you do to relax?

What kinds of dis-ease can be attributed to toxin exposure? Well just about anything but I’ll run down some general things: 

  • Poor digestion, constipation, IBS

  • Infections, either chronic or things that are recurring, autoimmune disease in general, skin problems, cancer

  • Fatigue

  • Multiple chemical sensitivities, kidney problems, elevated liver enzymes

  • Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, asthma or things like COPD

  • Hormone problems, thyroid problems, type 2 diabetes

  • Bone loss, leaky gut

  • Brain fog, anxiety, depression, feeling a lack of purpose

For toxic exposure in particular, once you pinpoint the types of exposures you have had, you can then think about potential lab work that might help you set a baseline for measuring how you are moving these toxins out of your system. 

Without addressing your thyroid issue or autoimmune disease, and just thinking about removing toxins from your body, you want to be sure that you have great digestion and you are pooping at least 1-2 times a day so that once you get the toxins mobilized, you can eliminate them without causing you to feel sick.  You will work on avoiding any more significant exposures, probably make some lifestyle changes and then work on a diet plan to clean up your body’s insides. 

Once you do that, then maybe test to see if you are assimilating nutrients meaning- is your body using or able to use the vitamins and minerals you are taking in through your diet. 

But you can take the Toxin Exposure Questionnaire from the Institute for Functional Medicine to get a picture of where exposure is in addition to plotting your life on a timeline. Every one of us has a toxic burden. We want to figure out if your toxic burden is one reason you have thyroid problems or autoimmune disease. So besides doing the questionnaires and having an interview with a practitioner you can have some lab work done. I want to emphasize that the other work should be done first and lab work can come later. 

You can have blood, urine, hair or stool testing done pretty easily to measure some of your toxic load. Maybe have a heavy metal lab test done if you have skin issues, heart disease, high blood pressure (and you know it isn’t from a crap diet), peripheral neuropathy, chronic headache, sleep issues, memory problems or issues with concentration. Anemia, regular abdominal pain, cancer. Any of these can be due to chronic heavy metal exposure. 

Some labs have toxicity panels- I think Genova, Great Plains Labs and a few others offer these types of tests. They are not super cheap though so be sure it is something you need or want. They can test for things like BPA, organophosphates, PCB’s, pesticides, and more. Say you used a ton of plastic over the years- maybe you want a baseline for BPA so you can measure how well your new diet and lifestyle changes are doing at excreting this out of your body. This would be a reason to have a blood test done. 

You can check with your doctor to have a full blood work up done too for things like your blood sugar, maybe mold, your thyroid panel, sex hormones, some doctors do adrenal hormones, homocysteine which measures the level of inflammation in your body, I think you can even get a glyphosate test, red blood cell count, liver enzymes. All those can help you learn more about where your body is at even if they are in the “normal” range. The high end of normal can be indicative that something is going on that you might want to pay attention to. 


Can exposure to toxins cause Hashimoto’s?

Can exposure to toxins cause Hashimoto’s?

It is estimated that we each have around 700 contaminants within our body and most of those have not been studied for safety. 

What is a toxin then?  That could be considered anything inside or outside of the body that keeps us from having good health. There are toxic things- physical, mental, emotional, chemical- that are poisonous to us. There are toxicants- a kind of poison, usually man made that is put into the environment by humans. 

How to tell if you are drinking enough water?

How to tell if you are drinking enough water?

Welcome to episode 68?How many people walk around drinking water all day? Do you carry a bottle around with you and are trying to get in the 8-10 glasses of water. 

You are peeing out more than you take in because you drink all this water, drink, pee, drink and pee etc and you assume you are hydrated when in fact you are not. So what happens is you are not drinking water with sodium in it and it causes a stretch response and your body is like this is excess fluid I need to get rid of so you end up peeing a lot. 

Why does coconut and avocado give me diarrhea?

Why does coconut and avocado give me diarrhea?

Hi Stephanie 

I have tried to do AIP once (I have hashimotos and low cortisol). So when I tried AIP I got severe diarrhoea, I am pretty sure it's the fat content, I surmise that  it's because I have been on a diet most of my adult life, all of which have been low fat. 

I cannot stomach anything coconut based or avocado. Just the smell makes my stomach turn and if I try to eat either, I wretch. 

Is there a way I can still do AIP without coconut and avocado, and not end up running to the toilet? 

To add to the mix I am recovering from binge eating disorder. 

Thanks in advance 


I feel worse after changing my diet.

I feel worse after changing my diet.

Hello! I am a new listener and I really appreciate the podcast, thank you for doing the work to put it out.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's after my first son was born - he turned 5 in August and I have been very fortunate with how it has very minimally affected me. I am an athlete and have an overall very healthy lifestyle and recently, after a conversation with an NP at a kid's birthday party about autoimmune disease, I thought that perhaps I should be doing more with my diet to try to minimize or, if possible, stop the degeneration of my thyroid.

In that effort, I have gone gluten and dairy free and have done pretty well with it for about 4 weeks now, it terms of preparing food and keeping those things out of my diet but I'm writing to you because I have to say, I really feel worse now than I did before I started changing things.

Root Chakra, Throat Chakra and how they relate to Hashimoto’s

Root Chakra, Throat Chakra and how they relate to Hashimoto’s

This week, Jennifer Hummel of The Sprouted Path is here talking about chakras. I had a conversation with her after seeing my woo woo doctor about not speaking my truth and not feeling safe enough to venture out and do some things I had been let hold me back for years. She told me how those two things are related to hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s. It was a fun and interesting conversation. Jennifer is really good at how she approaches someone’s health situation. May not be for you and to that I say, “to each his own”. It is okay. I’m just here to give you options.